by aqdmincan | Oct 17, 2024
The 2 Witnesses The two witnesses of Revelation chapter 11 are a real enigma. We are told that they minister for 1260 days, which is three and a half years in the Jewish calendar. Evidently this is the same period of the Antichrist’s reign, for they are...
by aqdmincan | Oct 13, 2024
The rider on the White Horse, Seal 1 Most traditional end times teaching conclude that the rider on the white horse represents the Antichrist. But have you ever stopped to ask why this conclusion is made? Can we evidence this from scripture? In this short teaching we...
by aqdmincan | Oct 13, 2024
The Antichrist This short teaching gives a summary of what the Antichrist will achieve during his short reign on earth. There will be intense persecution of Jews and Christians. We will discuss the mark of the beast, and the ramifications of submitting it. Rather than...
by aqdmincan | Oct 12, 2024
The Book Of Revelation in 12.5 mins This short video introduces the complete content of the Book of Revelation. From the throne room to the seal judgement events, from the Antichrist to the False Prophet, from the trumpet judgement events to the bowl judgements, we...
by aqdmincan | Oct 12, 2024
A summary of the Millennium Reign of Christ A brief summary of the Millennium reign of Christ. How do we know there must be a Millennium reign? Who will be present during the Millennium reign? What will Jesus do as King during this 1000 year period? We will tour the...